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Help Support Our Work

With your support, we can bring hope to women in need at what might be the most vulnerable point in their lives. Give online, or by mail. Join us in making a difference today!

Donate Online

Donated funds are used to purchase supplies for cleaning, repairing, and delivering jewelry. We also provide unrestricted cash grants to our partner programs.

Please donate online through GiveLively.

Donate by Mail

Check Payee: Angels for Angels
Check Memo: WSJP
Please mail your check to:

Women's Shelter Jewelry Project
7511 Greenwood Ave. North, #607
Seattle, WA 98103

“Your thoughtful gesture goes a long way for me. It warmed my spirit and reminded me that there are good people that care.”

-Hospitality House


The Women’s Shelter Jewelry Project is fiscally sponsored by Angels for Angels, a not-for-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. TAX ID #27-5180670.

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©2023 by Women's Shelter Jewelry Project. All rights reserved.

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